Micah J travels around the Washington countryside in his 1960 El Camino searching for inspiration for his new song "Wonderful World".
Song filmed live on location on the post office rooftop in Roslyn, WA.
Recorded on RED Helium and Super 8 film.
Original song "Wonderful World" written and performed by Micah J
Directed by Myles Basterrechea
Wardrobe Provided By
Carol Cox & Old Skoolz
Associate Sound Engineer
John Carey
- A Very Special Thank You To -
Basecamp Books & Bites
Jennifer Basterrechea
Glazer's Camera
James Hawkins
David & Evelyn Heflen
Inland Networks
Kyle Kain
The Liberty Cafe
Barb Frederick
Stephen & Audrey Malek
Bryson Michael
Pacific Grip & Lighting
Todd & Karen Porter
Sheila & Harley Reynolds
Carla Selzer-Sweet
Spectra Film & Video
Storey's Gas Station
Mike Skoptsov
Chad Storms
Fustum Tsegai
Nolan Weis
Check out more from Micah J at:
IG: @micahjmusic
Follow Smyles Productions:
IG: @smylesproductions
Thank you for watching!
©Smyles Productions, 2020